Links and Resources
This is an edited version of the website that the citizens’ assembly used during the process. All the videos that contain identifiable information has been removed, in accordance to the requirements of the UAHPEC.Mark is the Chief Operations Officer at Watercare and is an expert in water and wastewater treatment.
Introduction and background to the issue
Mark Bourne Chief Operations Officer, Watercare
Q&A with Mark Bourne
Mark Bourne Chief Operations Officer, Watercare
Expand for details
Assembly members asked:
- “What happens to our wastewater?” (00:00)
- “What about microplastics, pharmaceutical byproducts and other chemicals?” (01:14)
- “Is any of the wastewater that gets discharged actually of drinking quality?” (01:48)
- “Does Auckland depend more on the Waikato river than on the dams that we have?” (03:56)
- “Can we rely on the Waikato region to keep supplying water from the river?” (04:11)
- “Has the water quality of the Waikato river been affected?” (05:22)
- “How is the Waikato supply affected by Auckland’s increasing use of water from the Waikato river?”
(06:16) - “What happens to Auckland’s allotted water quantity if a drought affects the Waikato river?” (07:29)
- “What is Watercare doing to prevent water leakage from the system?” (09:37)
- “Do the future projections anticipate a drop in water usage per capita?” (11:15)
- “Does the cost of delivering water to Auckland differ depending on the source?” (11:58)
- “Is treating wastewater to meet drinking water standards and reusing it a viable option?” (12:51)
About Koi Tū
Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures is an independent, transdisciplinary think tank and research centre at the University of Auckland.
We generate knowledge and analysis to address critical long-term national and global issues challenging our future.
Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures
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