Welcome to the Deliberative Forum on Transport
Participant Website. This page has been edited to remove personal and identifying information of participants.
Simon Kingham
Professor at the University of Canterbury Human Geography,
Chief Science Advisor, MoT
Michael Hale
Public health medicine specialist,
Auckland DHB
Lisa Malde
VKT Reduction Lead,
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Stacey van der Putten
Executive General Manager – Public Transport Services,
Auckland Transport
Kirsty Wild
Public health,
Environmental sociologist
Skye Duncan
Executive Director,
Global Designing Cities Initiative
Paul Barter
Urban transport,
Researcher, policy advisor and trainer
Ralph Chapman
Adjunct Professor,
Victoria University of Wellington
Todd Litman
Executive Director,
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Kimberly Graham
Creator & Writer of
Grab Your Wheels, Let’s Travel
Matthew Fordham
Fiáin d’Leafy
Chief Biking Officer,
Bike Auckland
Clive Matthew-Wilson
Dog & Lemon Guide
About Koi Tū
Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures is an independent, transdisciplinary think tank and research centre at the University of Auckland.
We generate knowledge and analysis to address critical long-term national and global issues challenging our future.
Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures
The University of Auckland
Level 7, Building 804, 18 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland Central 1010
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